I didnt actually write this but I think its so true :)
You Know You've Been Dealing With CF Too Long When ....
- You've used puppets, toys, sung, danced, pleaded and generally made a fool out of yourself all in an effort to get your child to eat.
- You've stockpiled enough applesauce to start your own factory
- You find loose enzyme beads literally everywhere, the car, your clothes, -the ceiling (not joking)
- You count more calories than sheep
- You add salt to everything and use butter as a general cooking base even when a recipe doesn't call for it
- You panic when your child sneezes
- Your child coughs and you immediately chant "Xopenex four times a day!"
- You check websites daily for news about a cure
- Your house has more medications than the pharmacy
- You've actually found yourself explaining a medication to the pharmacist instead of the other way around
- You've considered dying all your child's clothes yellow to hide the vitamin stains
- Your medical bills are looking more and more like the national debt
-You've prayed for your child to be fat
-You have a strong urge to smack whiny parents of "normal" kids
-You've actually found yourself exclaiming angrily in the grocery store upon discovering extra-cheesy mac doesn't have more calories than regular (sadly true)
-You know what the poopie dance is, and you've done it
-You've had long involved discussions with other parents about poop
-You've started referring to everything in acronyms (CPT, PA, MRSA...)
-You're seriously considering a medical degree, cause at this point you know more than most doctors
-You've reduced a complete stranger to tears by yelling at them not to touch the baby
-You can describe the hospital's daily menu in exact detail
-Purel and Lysol are your new best friends
-You've considered life-long quarantine for your child
-You've told someone off for coughing near you or your child
-You have multiple doctors on speed dial
-You refer to CPT as your child's nightly beating
-The pediatrician sees you more often than their own staff
-You tend to refer to life AD & BD, After Diagnosis and Before Diagnosis
-You've cried over half a pound
-Your child comes with an instruction manual if you leave them with a sitter
-You've forgotten what normal is
-You find empty enzyme capsules in your pockets
-Your child wears a neb mask more easily than they do a hat
-Your child has started trying to do their own CPT
-You own every Baby Einstein video made and are eagerly awaiting more just for something different
-You've forgotten to put meds in the nebulizer and actually let it run several minutes before discovering the problem
-Your after clinic routine at home looks like a hazmat excercise
Until next time.....